Update: Text import from the new settlements was doing something silly to save files. I can't seem to figure out what's causing it right now. Instead of delaying anything again, I'm just releasing this version with the new settlements disabled, along with a bit of the additional text, since it's otherwise game breaking. I can't stay up any longer, so I'll patch it in tomorrow. Anything in the update notes regarding the new settlements is on hold for another day or two. The items and location events in these places remain inaccessible at this time. This update has been as smooth as cottage cheese.
Caution: Saved data from before Alpha 4 is not compatible with this new version due to changes in the way certain data is stored, and the inclusion of sub-races.
I sure put together a wall of text on this one. The update notes are at the bottom of this post if that's what you're looking for.
I intended to bring forth more timelines sooner rather than later, but ultimately, I've decided to hold off just a little bit longer on that. So much still needs to be changed/added in the base game as is, and it'd just increase the amount of time it would take to make those changes if I pushed more timelines right now. So for now, I'm going to work on fully finishing the first one before releasing the next. This isn't so much an issue of having the content incomplete as it is wanting to get things more polished so that I'm not burning time bringing other timelines in line with the amount of changes I'll be making.
One of the bigger changes this update is the new afflictions system, which causes problems for characters that don't take proper care of their hygiene. Afflictions are a work-in-progress (like everything else) and are subject to being changed. They're not very detailed at the moment, but I do intend to work on more text regarding illnesses and STDs in the future, since there is definitely a demand for it, and it wouldn't make sense to water down the text anyway. The system was put into place with all the proper hooks I need to work on it later, which will be sometime after the next update.
Next Update
While there is still a lot to be done, the next big update I release will address the lack of variety in location events. Right now, almost every event is static. I'll be adding alternate events that occur depending on your perks/race, which will have a huge effect on the way different races will view different regions. Because of this, I want to try to avoid doing anything drastic to race balance before the next big update, as some races will have easier times at certain locations afterwards. This means there will be more events based around exhibition, racial features, paizuri, anal, and a few others. This also means that I'm going to be more extensively considering any suggestions regarding events over the next month - just because I have a lot of planned events and variations doesn't mean that I don't want to hear more. It might as well be called Alpha "The one with all of the good stuff".While the focus will be polishing locations and adding different scenes that occur, some locations will also gain more options. I'll be focusing on the locations that have less than 3 actions to try to round everything off.
This update will be ready once I have completed at least one alternate event for every single action at each location, although some places will have multiple variations. This will be an intensive update, and is going to take a while to roll out, since I will be over doubling the amount of text I have written to date for that update.
Until then, I'm going to spend a few weeks polishing up what's already here, fixing any issues that get reported and adding quality of life improvements. Data screen, I'm looking at you. It's past your time. I'll also be releasing the incomplete events to fill out the rest of the new locations. And after the next big alpha release, I'll return to hit the mechanics as hard as I can.
Other than this, I'll create a road map to the v1.0 release with all of the thing I need to finalize before the game is considered complete. This will not be a definitive list of features, as things will be added that aren't on the list, and I'll continue adding things long after a v1.0 release. It's basically just a point where I can step back and say, "Wow, I'm really pleased with what's happened so far."
What Happened?
As a lot of you might have noticed, I not only missed the deadline I had set for last week, but I had also fallen off of the radar for almost a week. The initial delay was caused because I overestimated how fast I would be able to get everything prepped by a pretty sizable margin, which meant I needed to push things back a few days. That's entirely my fault - I publicized a deadline, and then completely flew right by it. I know a lot of people don't mind, considering that it just means more time is being put into the game, but I shouldn't post deadlines that I'm unable to meet, so I'll work on that in the future. I won't dish out ETAs until I'm almost prepared to roll things out.Another thing I wanted to mention for the sake of transparency is that earlier in the week, I lost progress due to a file corruption that occurred during a power outage caused by snow. I was silent for a few days, since I was busy catching up with what I had worked on and making sure everything was okay. Since I back up files weekly, I didn't really lose anything valuable, other than half a week of time. That's nothing, considering how long I'll probably be working on the project. It even gave me a good excuse to re-implement afflictions differently, because I wanted something more dynamic. Everything is okay, and work is progressing as normal.
Anyway, on to the changes in this update.
New additions:
Six new advanced settlements have been added, including Island, Capital, Enclave, Cult, Eastern, and BarbarianEach advanced settlement can only be reached from a specific type of settlement, as they are too specialized to attract general traffic from other locationsIsland settlements are practically resorts, and while they can only be reached by ship, travelers departing these settlements aren't limited to only port citiesCapital settlements are hedonistic cities that consume lots of food and are entertained by grand attractionsEnclaves are home to wild elves who seek to separate themselves from civilization, but wise traders often know where to find their settlementsCult towns are intent on infiltrating and undermining the primary religion of VestaEastern settlements are hidden pockets of a culture unlike the rest of the land, and seem like very attractive stops to those who would study cultures across the worldBarbarian villages are recently conquered lands that are still subject to being reformed, often requiring a sizable military presenceLocations at these settlements are still a work in progress to be released in the upcoming weeks, so some of the towns may seem very light on the options right now (mostly the coliseum events)- Sub-races have been added
- Pure-blood elves have been compressed into a single elf race
- All races except half elves have sub-races
- Naturally Wet, Perfect Ass, Nympho, and Feisty have been granted minor bonuses that are only available for as long as virginity is intact
- More text additions in various locations
- When visiting locations, buttons which start events that clash with your options are red
- Status button and perk button will now brightly glow if you have a free perk to spend
- Afflictions added
- Afflictions are currently caught by random chance through encounters, and are very rare unless you have poor hygiene
- Being came in also increases the chances
- Afflictions may recover or become less severe at the beginning of each day depending on any perks or modifiers you have to resistances
- Afflictions screen added to the status menu to give you an overview of your current state
Balance changes:
- A few locations have had their bonuses increased slightly
Bug fixes:
- Reverted a change that disabled defeat upon reaching 0 life
- Versatility should now function as intended
- Selling virginity no longer grants significantly lower cash than intended
- No more outdated string insertions, meaning no misplaced spaces and periods
Known Issues:
- Traveling to and from an island settlement currently has travel encounters that refer to things like "wagons" and "roads", which will be fixed in the future when unique travel encounters are being implemented
- The coliseum events are very limited right now, as combat encounters require more writing than traditional encounters
- There is only one option when visiting, which results in one event
- A future update will add the rest of the events to the coliseum, including progression through different encounters, another option for a different type of fight that might result in things becoming a little more 'heated', and a final option where things are slightly less heated, but still very lewd
- These encounters will be included individually in any bug fixes/changes I release going forward, as they are completed
- The new racial menu does not have the readers functioning yet, so there are no racial descriptions as intended.
Finally, since some of the features implemented are highly experimental right now, I'm going to keep the download for the previous alpha available on the downloads page alongside the new version.