Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Danger and the Road to Release

I've been working on what I'm going to generically refer to as "danger". Danger is the chance of something happening that you didn't want to happen. A lot of the difficulty in Bounty will come from danger. A fairly-clean character who rarely (if ever) sells themselves for coin will take significantly fewer risks than a character who accepts everyone in the street. Shady people might solicit you for something simple, before leading you somewhere isolated and attacking you. Other people might attempt to rape you, and you'll have to decide whether to attempt to escape, or to accept what's coming in an attempt to minimize harm. There is also always the possibility of a partner being much more rough or violent with your body during intercourse. Finally, the least damaging but still unwelcome danger is when someone unexpectedly cums inside your character against your will. These are all things that can make an encounter quite sour, especially considering that attackers certainly don't pay you.

There are a few options to defend against these situations. The first (and best) defense is to minimize the chance of danger by increasing the safety option in the rules menu. This will have a direct impact on the amount of encounters per night. A common method of defense is to arm yourself with easily concealed (yet expensive) blades, which will help you in fending off would-be attackers. However, don't forget that you're not a skilled heroine armed with a magic sword - you're an untrained, desperate fugitive who has a sharp object. Orc women begin the game armed with a small axe and a little bit of axe skill. Another alternative is to raise the body attribute, which will aid in fighting and escaping. Finally, certain perks modify dangerous situations. For example, the Nympho perk, which is unlocked after taking the Party Girl perk, negates the mood penalty and reduces damage taken from rape/rough encounters that you 100% submit to, resulting in a character who would often benefit from being submissive and not defending themselves. Be careful with some perks, as some perks that augment vaginal sex (Tight Pussy and Naturally Wet) also increase the chances of taking an unwanted internal cumshot.

Now that I've talked about the now-completed danger mechanic, I want to talk about the upcoming release of Bounty.

As of right now, Bounty is playable. You can lose, you can progress from settlement to settlement, and the main management aspects are complete. Encounters for selling yourself are fully functional. Bounty is not, however, ready for release, as a lot of content is missing. I've been working on the framework and the encounter system for the past few weeks, as the rest of the game needs to be built upon it. As such, most of the remaining work involves writing and completing existing features.

Despite only having time to work on this during the weekends, I feel like progress is still happening fast enough. Instead of posting an update every time I complete some major work, I'm posting a checklist of what needs to be completed before I release the game. Whenever I complete something on this list, I'll come back and cross it off. This is to streamline the process of recording my progress, and to keep all of you updated on what needs to be completed before release. This list doesn't include everything being worked on, but the major updates that need to be completed. I estimate that I'll be able to finish everything below before the end of January.

Things to complete before release:
  • Write and implement group encounters
  • Complete all bounty hunter encounters (most resulting in game over)
  • Polish existing encounter text and rewrite placeholder text
  • Implement all endings
  • Write the intro
  • Complete travel encounters
  • Complete settlement traits
  • General polishing for public consumption
I've already decided that I'll be supporting Bounty after launch, and will be adding new features and content not present in the base game. I already have a list of a few things I want to work on, but don't want to delay the game for. I'll reveal those at a later date. Bounty will always remain a free game. It is currently intended for a "successful" ending to take a little over an hour to achieve, ignoring any and all dead characters and failed attempts. I assume that most players will play the game in what they feel is the most appealing way, but I hope that people will also try other character types out. If you played this game to make a human who sells anal in an alleyway in every city, I hope you enjoyed it enough to make a halfling that's been gangbanged in every tavern, or a mostly-pure high elf that gets people off with her feet when short on money.

If you ever want to leave questions, feedback, or requests, leave a comment on one of the posts on this blog. I will definitely read all of the comments, and I will answer them whenever I get a chance.


  1. Your hard work is much appreciated. Keep it up.

  2. Very interesting, looking forward to this.

    1. Thanks! You won't have to look forward very much longer!

  3. It's great that you want some content before releasing it, got people looking forward to it so cheering ya on :)

    There will be save files and all that right? How is the game made? In Flash or some other application?

    Any chance we can see some perks and suggest any?

    This deserves more traffic too.

    Cheers tho

    1. Thanks for the support!

      There will be save files and all that right?
      There is a function to save and load data.

      How is the game made? In Flash or some other application?
      I'm working with GM:S right now. I'm much faster working with GML than C++, so I can spend more time writing and less time rubbing my face on the keyboard. This also means it should be fairly simple to port the project to every platform I can, including HTML 5, or at least when I get to that point.

      Any chance we can see some perks and suggest any?
      Feel free to suggest anything you'd like to see in the comments, as I'll definitely see them. Really. Since I'm going to be adding on to the game post release, I'm taking suggestions and requests seriously. The first revealing of all of the perks will be at initial release, because I'm still finalizing everything. Perks are organized into short trees, requiring one base perk to access a few additional ones, and an upgrade option for certain perks. An example is the small feet tree:

      Footjob is the base perk, which both enables the act, and provides a 50% bonus to the skill behind using hands/feet. This opens up two perks: Discrete Feet raises the bonus by another 25% while also providing a negotiation bonus, and Beautiful Legs provides another 25% while also increasing base vaginal skill.

      Final perks aren't set in stone. Feel free to shoot suggestions and requests at me. I'll also open up some form to dump anonymous requests at me right after release.

    2. Kudos for the reply too, looking forward to more :)

      Have you considered patreon or donations for the project? So far, I enjoy the premise of the game but wish this was exposed more. Should find some forums that have huge exposure...

      But back to point, glad to see that the game is easily portable, very resourceful.

      I enjoy sexy games in an odd manner. I like it when the heroine escapes the story with her virginity intact, but ordeal has left her sexual adventurous to just about anything, such as oral, anal, exhibitionism, seduction, etc, leaving her a technical virgin. Akin to many anime Paladins in the ecchi games :P

      I do approve of your multi talented perk tree though, with a primary benefit and secondary/tertiary as well. I'm thinking of perks along the lines of seduction and exhibitionism too, so something like 'Whisper' which would provide a bonus to Seduction but also a small bonus of reading intentions, and Strutting Topless/Bottomless - which increases desire in others (as well as danger) but provides secondary/tertiary bonuses of boosted confidence/self-esteem and evasion bonuses in combat (because of the constant danger of the body)

      Any chance we can contribute or contact you too?


    3. Also, read your first blog paragraph. We can choose if the heroine sells her virginity right in a willing encounter right? Or always first? Would prefer the choice, aka anal/oral/kissing, etc.

      Of course, forced/rape are a different ball game afterall.

      Will there be combat too? Or encounters were we make choices or have rng as well


    4. Would different races then have different perks? Such as halflings or goblins being extra tight or orcs having some sort of pheromones or some such?

      As far as suggesting perks goes I suppose we should wait until we see the planned list so as to avoid redundance, but I like the idea posted earlier by another anon about having a tree for just enticing/seducing as opposed to the sex focused ones (as in oral, vaginal, etc).

    5. In regards to patreons/donations/exposure/contact, I'll talk about that in my next post tomorrow.

      With everything I've been working on, it should definitely be possible to complete this virginity intact. It's something I really wanted to be possible, because I think it adds a lot to character diversity. Because of this, I've tried to make many different viable options. The content seems a little stretched-thin at the moment, but that's something that's going to be rectified in the coming weeks.

      About the idea of "seduction" perks, that will be included in the initial release. The primary effect of these perks is to convince someone that they want something else from you. If you're trying to complete the game as a virgin, these perks can be really important, as you can change vaginal requests into anything else you're willing to do. The secondary benefit involves increased effect of certain locations/events that may involve seduction/persuasion. Perks that grant modifiers in regards to clothing/body cover doesn't exist yet, but that's something I want to toy with after launch, because I'm planning on gutting the clothing and doing it all over again, because it's currently too simple for my tastes.

      Selling virginity is always an option. The only time it isn't an option and happens automatically is if you are forced, which can be pretty severe, seeing as you don't get paid for rape.

      Combat does exist in a form, but it's not complex or time consuming in any form. When an encounter happens involving combat, the rolls are made and different outcomes are chosen. For example, the first (and weakest) of the bounty hunters is going to come after you with a club. If your combat roll surpasses his, you'll dodge/deflect his blows. He'll leave himself open for counter attack, at which point you'll sock him in the throat. When he's on the ground gasping for air, you escape. If his combat roll surpasses yours, then you'll quickly be knocked unconscious by his zealous swings. I've done this so that there is more flexibility in the way things unfold. Combat will occur in context, and not on a separate screen. All of these rolls are displayed to the player, so you'll know if something is happening because you succeeded/failed a combat roll.

      Right now, races have different starting stats/tweaks and different effects in some events, but do not have additional choices for perks further down the line. I fully intend to add racial perks, and that will be included in the first update. I'll also be adding more flavor text for the various races.

    6. Perfect, everything I wanted to hear was pre empted and explained. Well versed and quite a wordsmith yourself there!

      Expect alot more exposure on the blog and game soon so keep it up.

      Hopefully we can get a hand on the alpha/beta and start suggesting/working on more features/perks too. As well as Patreon and other ways of aid.

      If able, check the blog more often. I think you're getting a lot of views dailies too. So check once a day I say :P

      Looking forward to a mini release too


  4. Being able to play as a goblin made me fairly hyped for this game.
    Could you share a bit about the plot? From the few things you've mentioned I assume you play a fugitive with a bounty on her head, but could you elaborate a bit on what's what?

    1. The story deviates just a little bit depending on the difficulty. Each difficulty takes place at a different point of time, which changes the world a little bit. The story for the normal difficulty takes place in a fairly corrupt nation during a cold war of sorts with their neighbor. Because of the upcoming conflict, mercenaries and bounty hunters are abundant. The character's family plays a role in the senate, and a rising emperor puts a hit out on his political opponents. Everyone is killed but the character, who begins to flee to the neighboring country, who is rumored to be liberating slaves and accepting them as citizens. Without any possessions or money, the character turns to selling herself in the streets in order to gather the resources to outrun her pursuers. There are only so many days to work in a specific settlement before bounty hunters follow the trail to wherever she is, so the character has to keep progressing toward the borders.

      Hard mode occurs in a period of time where an emperor has taken control of the nation and has begun open warfare with the neighbors. Elf May Cry mode occurs during events that could be considered... cataclysmic.

    2. Other anon here, so we're going to have a pretty short time limit on our PC (i.e. "successful ending to take a little over an hour")?

      At release the game probably won't have enough content to justify the extended playtime, but do you (would you?) consider an endless/extended mode? Or maybe an option to increase the time limit for those who hate such limitations (even though I understand this would considerably decrease the difficulty)?

      Or simply perhaps there will be a way to "deal" with bounty hunters (be it by force or sex) until the next group of pursuers catches on? Thus allowing "outrunning" at your own pace, so to speak.

    3. I fully intend to implement a feature I'm just calling "Timelines". It's sort of a way to implement different difficulty options. You can start the game with the world being slightly different in a different period of time. Different timelines have different difficulties and different lengths of the game. Currently, the hardest timeline planned will provide more challenge, new events, and over double the distance required for victory. On the very first release, there will only be one timeline, but this is the absolute #1 priority for the upcoming weeks. And, although I've never yet considered an "endless mode", you raise a good point about ending when the player isn't ready. When I release timelines, I'll include an additional one that should be endless. In terms of extended duration, the other timelines should already have that effect.

      Bounty hunters can be "dealt" with, provided you're capable of fighting them off or seducing them. That can extend the amount of time you can spend in a single settlement. That being said, staying in a settlement with bounty hunters present will be a huge risk, as one bad roll can result in being at the wrong end of a man catcher. Though the difficulty of the encounter will depend on which bounty hunter you bump into.

  5. Holy fuck I want this game.
    Please tell me it's not dead. Please

    1. Personally I'm counting the days till the end of January.
      I mean, he promised. He wouldn't lie, would he?

    2. I'm serious worried.

    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mACqcZZwG0k

    4. On a scale of 1 to SOON, just how soon is this coming out XD

  6. Looks very interesting. Hope you release your game soon.
