Monday, February 1, 2016

Additional Progress and Poll

This has been a pretty busy day for me. I don't normally get anything done on weekdays, but I've been pretty energetic. I squeezed in a bit of time this morning, and did some work this evening. This is sort of a freak accident, because I rarely have free time unless it's a weekend. I'll be squeezing more time into this project over the next few weeks, though.

I've been kicking a few ideas about for handing large screens of text. If you played the alpha, you've noticed that text just runs off of the screen when too much appears. I've currently fixed this by adding a scroll bar, but I wanted to get some feedback from the community on what people find more "comfortable". If you have ten seconds, let me know which you prefer in this poll.

Today's Progress

  • Title screen officially added.
  • Shops visited in locations are populated with a few items. More to come.
    • Added soap, luxurious soap, silver combs, and buckler to various location merchants
  • One unit of soap or luxurious soap is now consumed each morning to increase the amount of hygiene you recover. Luxurious soap can increase hygiene as high as 130.
  • The highest qualities of foods can now increase your health as high as 130.
  • Negotiate text has been modified to show what the original request was.
  • Text that is too large for the screen can now be viewed with a scroll bar.
  • Fixed: Many instances of stats dropping into the negative, or exceeding the cap.
  • Fixed: Game crash upon rough intercourse or generally being handled too roughly. Thanks everyone who reported this in the comments, it really helped me hunt down the problem!
  • Fixed: Negotiating causing text to become misaligned or improperly spaced.
  • Fixed: Random encounter text using hands sometimes pulling text from oral.
  • Fixed: Experience and leveling now properly functions. Experience for sex acts grants experience to both the skill and as generic character experience.
    • Once a skill gains enough experience (listed on the statistics screen in gray) that skill increases.
    • When your character gains enough generic experience, you gain an additional perk.


As of a few minutes ago, I officially have a Patreon for anyone interested in supporting the project. The picture for my Patreon account was assembled as the new icon for the executable going forward. I'm not the best artist.

I want to thank the community for their involvement thus far. I'm still set for a new release on February 13th.


  1. Pledged :)

    Haha think you can tease us with a workable build till Vdays too?

    Definitely want more extras but lets get the first time line going. Would be great to have immersion depending what type of clothes we wear, and any remarks/stares


  2. Thanks for pledging and support this project!

    I'm going to release a build here in a few moments that includes the changes from yesterday's post. It'll be the last release until the one I've been teasing, but I've yet to reproduce any crashes in it, so I'm confident it's stable enough for now.

    I'll keep that in mind about the clothing - I'm writing tags sometime over the next few days, and I'll probably tie clothing into that. That'll let locations and encounters make use of clothing in the text, along with something else upcoming.

    Thanks for all of the feedback you've been providing - it's been helpful!

  3. I think there's a glitch when I buy multiple units of soap - this often results in crashing when saving/starting new day

    1. That's exactly what was causing that bug. I just re-uploaded as Alpha 2.1, and it fixed the soap bug. Thanks for the heads up!
