Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bounty Alpha 3

Boy, has it been a job. There's still a lot of polish that needs to be applied, and a lot of stuff that needs to be added, but this release has a lot of the work I need in the back-end to make everything go more smoothly in the future. It's another step towards leaving alpha stage, and I'm glad to have gotten this far. I'm in this for the long haul, so I've still got a lot to do over the upcoming months.

It's worth repeating that this release is an alpha release, and is not feature or content complete yet. Crashes or irregularities may occur, and if they do, please report them so that I can fix them as soon as possible.

I haven't had time to balance and refine everything as much as I'd like, so some numbers may seem off. Content may be too hard or too easy at the moment until I have time to tweak everything. Prices may seem too high, and payment may seem too low.

To play the current version, visit the download tab at the top of this page!

  • Browser version is now available
    • Saves are not yet compatible between the downloadable version and the browser version
  • 'Lovely' dice and bar added in configurations as my Valentines present to everyone
  • Timeline system is now functional
    • Only one timeline exists at the moment
    • Three timelines appear on the menu, but they are all the same as the first timeline at the moment - see KNOWN ISSUES below
  • Seven different endings added, with three main endings and four variants
    • Endings depend on how you've performed over your travels
  • Minor enhancements to encounter text, mainly the addition of text for having the Footjob perk
  • Travel encounters are now functional
    • Danger on the road can range from mild to extreme, as failing one encounter could cost you your virginity, whereas failing another might cause you to be taken somewhere you don't want to be
  • Slaver camp settlement added, holding two locations with two events each
    • You can not willingly travel to a slaver camp
  • Most perks that weren't functional now work as intended, and perks shown in the sample tree from a few days ago have been implemented
    • Perks that aren't functional due to the content they were to be introduced in not being completed are either not attainable or have been locked to prevent useless perk choices
    • Some perks may still not yet be fully functional until everything is polished up, although until that happens, I don't know which perks are still not plugged in correctly
  • Town icons in the travel screen have been updated, mostly due to the creation of future settlement icons
  • Travel reset button added, letting you spend money to randomize your potential travel locations
  • Two town traits were added
    • Wealthy (stack of gold) increases the money you earn in these towns
    • Destitute (small pile of coin) decreases the money you earn
  • Game can now be loaded from the title screen instead of having to start a new game to access the data menu
  • University class event now active
    • Repeating this event a few times will grant the player an Apprentice's degree, which allows purchase of magic scrolls from the magic shop
    • The only two scrolls that exist in this release are a rejuvenation scroll and a charm scroll
      • Rejuvenation heals life
      • Charm increases fame, which dramatically increases the amount of customers and money you can make, but remember that fame drops to 0 when you change settlements
  • Some races now have altered starting attributes
  • I know I'm missing a few changes
  • And of course, everything listed in the blog post from last weekend
Known issues:
  • There is only one timeline available, but three are displayed. These were for testing purposes and are all the same as the first timeline.
  • I killed the training location in the barracks yet again, special thanks to strange interactions with slaver camps (I don't even)
As I said yesterday, I have a few things nearly complete that weren't able to make this update due to time constraints. They'll be ready next update, since all of these features are near-completion. This includes:
  • Completion of the six advanced settlements
    • This will also approximately double the amount of available location events in the game
  • Sub-races, allowing different choices for each race
  • Appearances are coming alongside sub-races
    • A common sense feature for describing your character, and may be used in some scenes
  • First release of afflictions, diseases, and illnesses, giving a reason to keep hygiene high
  • Perks exclusive to virgins that can be changed to more useful perks if virginity is lost
    • Elf Maiden is already in and exclusive to virgins, but currently has no use if virginity is lost
  • The second timeline, taking place years after the first
    • The republic has begun an invasion on the kingdom you're supposed to flee to, pushing your goal further, and creating a region that's far more dangerous
So the next release is going to be packed with a lot of stuff that would have been in this one, had I a bit more time. It's also going to be a significant increase in the amount of content in the game, with various different scenes for various different types of players. Further down the line, the next changes that need to be made include:
  • Location events having alternate effects depending on race/perks/items
    • For example, dwarves might have a blast drinking at the tavern, carrying toys could change scenes with women, and certain sex perks could entirely change the scene and outcome of different locations
    • This change is going to require a HUGE amount of writing, and is going to take a while to be implemented
  • Combat overhaul, applying the concept from travel encounters to all encounters
    • This means that lost combat against hunters or potential rapists might still be escaped, and the text will reflect on your fighting style
  • Additional items, including spell scrolls, item enchanting, and sex toys
  • Significantly more flavor text
    • This applies to almost everything, from perks, to race, to clothing, and will take a while to get everything sorted
  • Specialized requests, including female clients and strange requests that change the way nightly encounters can play out
  • Group encounters, where nightly encounters can include groups of 2 or more people
    • Another feature that was intended for the first alpha, but pushed back due to changes and for generally being incomplete
  • Perk upgrades, allowing you to spend a perk to improve the effects of certain perks
    • This will not apply to all perks
  • A journal that keeps track of the total amount of actions you've performed
    • Once this one is done, I'll go over the current endings with a bit more polish, and add more planned endings
  • Negative effects resulting in the continued use of certain types of items
  • Settlements having predominant races
    • This feature was pulled from the initial release because it was breaking encounters, but it'll be back soon
  • Unique game over scenes depending on how the game over occurs, including the various bounty hunters, during prostitution, during travel, or during location events
    • Until I get around to this, game overs are going to be fairly generic, and that's boring
This isn't the extend of my plans for Bounty, but just an idea of what I'm working on in the near future. I'm trying to sort out things so that my immediate efforts are the most framework-expanding changes. 

Anyway, I hope everything turned out fairly playable and with few bugs. The next day or two, I'm going to spend more time talking and fixing any bugs that get reported. Sort of a short break before diving back in to finish the partially completed features for the next update. I occasionally feel stressed that something will break when I add new features, but I'm handling it fairly well. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go bake a 20 inch pizza and eat it in the bath tub.


  1. Sweet, waited all day and haha, enjoy the pizza mate. Now to adventure on her knees.

    Will repost if bugs later. And check contacts. Coolness on the downloadable too.


  2. So, after having played it to completion:
    Character was a goblin specialized in gangbangs/vaginal, to keep in line with the racial perks:

    -I kept 0 hygiene throughout the game and it seemed to have 0 maluses whatsoever, so I suppose diseases and whatnot aren't implemented yet. That said it would help if you could indicate in the status screen when you're getting those bonuses to sex skills from low hygiene from the goblin racials, maybe having different colours for temporal bonuses and such.

    -The gaining mood whenever someone comes inside trait doesn't seem to be working.

    -Neither stretchy body nor nympho seem to do you any good in the horse event at the farm. Stretchy body doesn't seem to work in any situation either while nympho does seem to work since rapes from travel danger events didn't affect my mood at all.

    -On that note, gangbang events from the citadel and port still make you lose mood, even if little. The cumdumpster option at the town however seems to lose you nothing save hygiene.

    -The comb is used to raise your hygiene by like 2, it doesn't seem to be worth it, unless it also raises your negotiating level or something related to looking pretty.

    -During the whole game I was the victim of exactly 0 rapes while in settlements, and that's including foiled attempts or even sex that leaves you unable to walk properly. This was with security set to average, price set to expensive and accepting everything to inside except hands which was to resist (and not a single negotiation perk).

    -The academy classes really aren't that expensive at 3s 5c a piece. Their payout is somewhat questionable since you get more or less the same effect as a scroll of charm from peddling yourself without having to spend on it. I haven't tried the scroll of rejuvenation since my hp oscillated between 200 and 100 the whole game.

    -You might've gotten a bit overboard with the descriptions from successfully fending off travel dangers. You claimed the protagonist is a refugee with at best a concealed blade and nothing more and yet you can end up turning into xena warrior princess grinding groups of bandits and goblins under your heel by yourself while the rest of the caravan is presumably picking flowers elsewhere. I don't really mind however, it was just a bit jarring.

    -I have no clue what the spermicide is supposed to be for or do, since the obvious answer would face off with the fact that by the time you get one your genitals have probably seen more biomatter than an umbrella corporation lab.

    -I would like it if there was a mild change to endings depending on with how much money you ended up the game, so after finishing with 10 platinum you end up in a bit more comfort. Just changing two lines towards the end would work, really.

    -Especially verbose scenes still cannot be fully read, or scrolled down or whatever. This was especially aggravating with the ending, tho I suppose I got the gist.

    -And finally, I would like it if there was more info on what is clothing supposed to do, what is the difference between the different kinds of weapons (as in axe, sword, dagger), and the point of extra skill on vaginal, anal, etc. I suppose eventually the different events with clients will change depending on your skill and thus the pay kind of like in the old sim brothels, but a confirmation would be nice.

    I do like where the game is going and it does have a very noticeable increase in content with the last build.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

      I just released Alpha 3.1, and a few of the changes and fixes were inspired by this post. You can now see your stats after modifiers (such as Goblin Lust) in the status screen, so you can tell if something is working or not.

      I noticed a lot of things weren't functional with the nightly encounters, so some of these things should be fixed.

      If anything I can't believe I didn't notice that danger wasn't occuring inside settlements! Thanks for noticing that. Danger should now occur as intended. This was combined with increasing the damage taken when resisting attackers, so hopefully health doesn't constantly float around maximum now.

      Silver combs at the moment provide an effective +1 charm while held. This isn't a change to the base score, but a modifier, which will become a more important difference later down the line.

      While the rest of the scrolls aren't finished, I went ahead and increased the price of the Academy by almost three times. I'd hate for it to be so cheap that there is no reason to pass it up, because it's going to have an impact on some of the next endings implemented. Rejuvenation regenerates life supernaturally, which can raise your health up to the high life cap (30 higher than standard). Until the other scrolls/settlements are implemented, the Academy might be pretty easy to look through.

      Spermicide is one of those things that really needs to be explained, because the way it's presented in the game just isn't cutting it right now, nor does text appear when it's used. I'll try to polish this up soon.

      As of right now, the lowest tier of endings is triggered if you become pregnant, which is intended to be a hidden stat. It's impossible to become pregnant within your first few encounters, so the game doesn't slap you in the face for having sex two or three times. Spermicide is automatically consumed if your character has sex that will result in a pregnancy, preventing it from occurring. The chances of becoming pregnant with each load increases with the frequency the character has vaginal penetration. There is no way to tell if a character is pregnant or not until the game is complete.

      Basically, spermicide is the item to get if your character has frequent sex and you don't want the "Gutter Slut" ending.

      There should be a lot more consistency in events now with regards to perks preventing mood loss. Let me know if you notice any missed events in this or any future builds. The amount of mood gained from Stretchy Body can vary, but the mood gained from Cum In Me! is always 1 point for each.

    2. (continued)

      Skills do affect the price you're able to get for each act, but it's not a significant influence at the moment. I'll have to tweak these numbers here shortly to get them somewhere more comfortable. Clothing tiers are simple fame modifiers right now, influencing both pay and how much attention you bring in, but will actually influence the flavor text and have special bonuses attached in the future to differentiate between different types. The same goes for weapons, since right now, weapons only provide their tier as a combat bonus. Swords are meant to be a weapon that you train up, while axes are meant to be weapons that rely more on your strength, being significantly more difficult to raise the skill for. This isn't quite present in the current build, outside of Orc Warrior.

      Travel encounters were tweaked a bit so boxing gnolls and walking away like a champ is much less likely to happen, but barely fending them off is about the same difficulty. When I get a chance, I probably will tone the Xena down a bit.

      On a related note, I feel like I have to write an encounter where the caravan actually is picking flowers.

      Hopefully the 3.1 update will make everything a little more consistent. I'll roll a few more out over the next few days with the intent of making things more transparent and better explained. I feel like the updates following Alpha 4 are going to be a lot of quality of life and common sense improvements.

  3. Thanks for the update!

    At the end of the game if you keep your virginity intact, the final ending screen cuts off some text at the end and there is no way to scroll the text further(downloaded version, might be different in the browser).

    Other than that, great work.
