Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bounty Alpha 2

Greetings, everybody!

I'm releasing a new build with the changes from yesterday's post, along with a few additional changes in this post. The biggest reason I want to do this is that the first alpha is functionally unplayable, with an 8% chance for the game to crash each encounter (11% if safety is low, 6% if safety is high). This does not include any new features that are planned for the Feb 13 build. Due to the changes I'm going to be making in the next two weeks, this will be the last release until the planned date.

Edit - The alpha has been updated to 2.1 in order to fix two more crashes.

If you discover any other inconsistencies or crashes, please report them, and I'll fix them as soon as I can. I also feel like it's worth mentioning that I haven't gone over and attempted to balance skills, stats, or perks. 

Additional Changes

  • Perks that grant sex skill increases no longer increase the base skill, as this increases the experience required to level those skills. It is now calculated seperately
  • The icon used for the executable has been updated, along with the executable renamed.
  • Location events now display changes made to your life, hygiene, mood, and experience. Warnings/restrictions for locations that would have your character do something that opposes the rules you've set in your options are not yet implemented.

Alpha 2.1 Change

  • Soap no longer crashes the game when you try to save, nor does it cause bounty hunters to crash the game if you defeat them. Thanks for reporting this bug!


If you were wondering why the original executable was named FantasyH, it is because the project had flipflopped quite a bit before I settled on what's now known as Bounty. I hadn't shared a playable build with anyone, so I had forgotten to rename it.

The initial plan for the game was to be a similar concept in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, but without any sort of goal or threat. It was purely a sandbox. I didn't feel like it was very fun, or offered any sort of unique aspect that would bring anyone to enjoy it more than any other h-game, so the concept was hammered into what's now known as Bounty.

Another fun fact: this is what originally inspired the concept of timelines. For example, if there is a demand, the original game concept could easily be implemented using the timeline system, modifying locations, events, and races, and goals.

Anyhow, there's no hiding what my biggest plan for the Feb 13th release is - I want the timeline system to be functional, including the first (default) timeline. This means the game will actually progress, and there will be an end-game. I still have a good chunk of writing to progress through, but it should be easily completed at this stage. 

There's a lot of other improvements in the works for that release, as well. There are a lot of features that I really want to get implemented, but I'll have to tackle them one-at-a-time. After seeing what people have to say about the project, I think a lot of you are going to be really pleased as updates churn out (or at least I hope you are!)

Yesterday's Poll

According to the poll yesterday, there's a close split between scrolling up and down passages of text, and progressing text with the next button. I'm glad no one is in favor of cutting text. The temporary solution I added yesterday is a simple scroll bar that allows the user to view all of the text at once. I'll have a new solution sometime in the future, although it's not the highest priority at the moment. Thanks to everyone who took the poll!

Posts on Patreon

This blog has been used as a tool by me to communicate with everybody, along with spewing any updates and changes as I complete them. I talk about a lot of upcoming things, along with what I'm doing right now. If you're following or supporting my Patreon, I'm not going to spam you with the same updates. 

For right now, the only posts I'll be making on the Patreon page will be new releases. This blog will remain the best place to keep up to date on everything related to the project, while Patreon posts will only include a simplified list of releases.


  1. Had this error when I tried to save.
    ERROR in
    action number 1
    of Step Event0
    for object obj_data_save:

    Wrong argument types for ini_write_string
    at gml_Script_save_game
    stack frame is
    gml_Script_save_game (line 0)

    1. Found another when I passed a day with the hunters arrived.

      FATAL ERROR in
      action number 1
      of Create Event
      for object obj_bounty:

      Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 100058.gameover(100028, -2147483648)
      at gml_Object_obj_bounty_Create_0

    2. I just fixed both of these errors and re-uploaded the file in the post (Bounty Alpha 2.1)

      As silly as it sounds, it was caused by soap.

  2. Is there a way to view how much exp we get from our base class? Don't see much. And what does the various sex levels do anyway? Modifiers during encounters?

    I enjoy the fact the character has to soliticate customers daily, although are there any non sexual work? Then again that's self defeating~

    Clothes tags sound great and a nice way to group things. Would be fun to see customers do/react to things such as thong/g-strings, etc. And maybe some rare female customers too? They can always use strap ons or others :D

    Does Hygiene or Health or Mood do anything either? Seem to have minimal penalty or bonuses.

    Otherwise, awesome texts and more. Also Vaginal skill tree, maybe have it improve negotiate too? Useless skill otherwise for purists. And magic shop sells nothing.


    1. I'm going to overhaul the status screen to provide more data. There's definitely more variables behind the scenes that still need to be exposed to the player. If there's anything else you think still needs to be listed, now or after the next release, let me know, so I can expand upon it. Not knowing what the numbers are can really kill the fun. Off of the top of my head, the other thing I can think of that needs to be exposed is virginity status and current level. Next release should have a few more things to show, like a current combat modifier, and more data on things in the inventory, as well as discard/use/activate options.

      As the story gets padded out, there will be a transition from the start of the game to full-on prostitution, depending on how things go. It should start with a complete block of meeting clients, but with single night activities that give much less income, but that would fade away as the character becomes more comfortable with selling themselves. It does feel heavy-handed at the moment without those transitions. In order for the game to really hit home, it has to have that slide.

      Right now in the current alpha, clothes is currently tracking clothes materials, quality, and type. Material is broken into three classes: metal, leather, and cloth. Quality is the number next to your equipment panel, and has an impact on fame modifiers. Type currently has no purpose but that will be expanded, although I cannot say when. I should be able to use the tags to tie interactions with clothing and other descriptors. That one probably isn't going to be in the next release, if I'm speaking honestly, but I'd like to get it done as soon as I can.

      The occasional female customer is a thing that can happen with something I'll be writing in a few days. Although, it's another feature that probably won't be ready before the next release.

      Each tier of stats will have different modifiers. The four tiers are low/red, faltering/orange, standard/white, and high/blue. Currently, only low mood matters, as low mood will make your character refuse to resist rapes. I'll write a post tomorrow detailing the various tiers of stats, because they're 100% going to be ready by the next release.

      I'd like to collect as much feedback as possible about perk choices once the next version releases, because from there, I want to start finishing out perk trees, adding more, and rebalancing them. I'll either end up modifying the existing vaginal perks, or expanding upon them.

      The magic shop is stocked in the next version, and it's content is currently a surprise. ;)

  3. After playing for a while I didn't encounter any crashes.

    There are a few typos here and there and some scenes seem mildly broken when negotiating, like it'd say "the client wants to fuck your ass1" or something like that and nothing else.

    Hygiene seems to never go down once you have soap no matter what, after a few rounds in the gloryhole where supposedly it should drop by 36 it'd still stay at 100.

    Other than that it seems your pay doesn't particularly rise even as you learn perks or increase your bars. I played up to like lv 5 oral/hands with the pertinent perks plus the negotiating ones and I made pretty much the same amount of money as at the start, around 6c lowest and 1s 2c maximum, but the amount of clients I got and how many accepted my terms (only hands and oral) did rise sharply. This was setting the price as expensive and safety as the default.

    As far as settlements go, this seems to be the intention:
    1. Farm - Free food from the orchard, mildly expensive but effective happiness boost from horse.
    2. Docks - Soap. Also the comb, but I don't know what it does. Dancing at the brothel gives middling money.
    3. Citadel - Best weapons, get them as soon as you can afford them (around 2g?) if you want to avoid rapes, tho they aren't foolproof. Getting drunk in the tavern also seems to do precisely nothing for your mood, health, etc.
    4. Temple - Best for hygiene, also can heal your hp if in a pinch, but once again I had 0 problems with my hp even taking in account a few rapes. Bathing with a maiden gives very middling happiness for the cost, bathing yourself barely helps with hygiene and mood.
    5. Academy - Advertising yourself gives a ton of clients and it seems relatively safe, there are also magic shop and library related jobs for the non sexual but they barely pay. The magic shop doesn't stock anything atm.
    6. City - The theater is rather expensive but it gives huge mood increases, around 10 at a time or higher. The gloryhole pays very well if you focus on oral. Taking a stroll in the garden gives only a tiny mood increase, so it's not really worth it. I believe the junk shop was here, but it also doesn't stock anything.

    So overall the idea would be to start in the docks for soap, then make money at the temple and academy and head for the citadel as soon as able for weapons. The city and the farm are the best deals when your mood dips low, but they seemed to have more rapes.

    1. I looked into it after reading this post, and hygiene getting locked at maximum is a bug from an unlisted change between alpha versions 2 and 2.1. I standardized the way stats are modified/capped, and it caused a problem with some numbers sticking. Thanks for mentioning it - it'll be fixed in time for the next release.

      In regards to pay scaling, I do need to take a good look at it after the timelines release. It definitely doesn't feel good enough where it's at, but I'm a little afraid of overtuning it. I'm hoping I'll get a lot of good feedback on money values, shortages, and payments in Alpha 3.

      I REALLY enjoyed reading your analysis here. It gives me more insight into how people are perceiving the game. Most of what you said about the settlements is pretty accurate.

      Docks - The comb is a part of something that isn't active in this release. The next upcoming release has the option to toggle items in your inventory on/off, which will enable the first feature of the silver combs, while the second feature will be activated in the University.
      Citadel - While game progression isn't in this build, the weapons offered at the Citadel rise faster than the weapons in other settlements. After playing long enough, bronze weapons will start appearing in normal shops, and the armory will offer even better quality weapons. Drinking in the tavern is an oversight, because it should be giving a small amount of mood.
      Temple - I'm under the impression that health is going to be a bigger issue in the next release, but I may be wrong. I think I'm going to be adding another action to the temple to make it more worthwhile to visit.
      Academy - The biggest thing for this city is a work in progress for the university and the magic shop. I won't spoil everything yet, but expect some fairly expensive events. The library pay scales on your mind score fairly well. Having one additional mind point doubles the pay. Races in the next version will have different starting body/mind/charm, so some events like the library will be better/worse.
      City - The junk shop is a little bare at the moment. It does currently stock standard soap at a higher price than the docks, which is a little funny if you consider the other actions available there.

      There's a few more features in the upcoming release that'll shake up the general strategy a bit. I'll elaborate some right before I release, so that the information is as accurate as possible.

  4. Pressing alt on the status screen gives more free slots, not sure if that is intentional. Also, the feisty perk has no description

    1. Whenever I patched to Alpha 2.1, I slid that alt command in to help me pinpoint what exactly was causing it, and to get it worked out as quickly as possible. It should also give you two items which currently do not have a function.

      Thanks for the heads up about the Feisty perk! It exists in the text I imported, so I'll have to figure out what's causing it to not display.

      For information purposes: Feisty currently adds +2 to sword and axe skills.

  5. A few ideas I was turning around in my head.
    - Hygiene dependent encounters. What I'm thinking is that if you have low hygiene it may change some town events. For instance, at the docks if you go to work lifting crates with red hygiene, the foreman might take a few sniffs and decide he has other more appropriate work for the character at which point the player can decide to follow or leave. Or it could be that a low hygiene character might get stopped from entering the library or taking classes. Though perhaps they get noticed by some passing students for a bonus to customers or a group may follow the character presenting a business opportunity. For general encounters I would imagine a low hygiene would give a penalty for most customers with low chance for a bonus representing customers who are into a dirty girl (like myself :P).
    - Maybe even some perks relating to the hygiene stat. Bonus to charm or some such if in red for one perk or above some value for an opposing perk.
    - Any plans for addiction effects? Perhaps some sort of lust drug that can enhance performance but has a high addiction chance that will have some debuff after so many days without. Perhaps some shady individuals might force the character to become addicted on a particularly bad danger roll.

    1. You know, a chain of perks relating to hygiene actually sounds like a good idea. Right now, healthy relates to hygiene, since it negates a step of the hygiene penalty, that is to say, makes you more resistant to illnesses. I think I could expand upon that in some way.

      I've been considering having stats alter locations, and that is something I definitely want to implement. It'll show up around the time when race/perks begin to change encounters, so it shouldn't be too far off.

      In regards to addictions, I'm working on a database of items and effects right now. I haven't put much thought into addictions yet, but with the upcoming addition of minor inventory management, this should be something that wouldn't be hard to handle. I'll have to see what sorts of items can be worked up for this. Drugs would definitely be a good way to immerse into the whole "corruption/dirty" mindset.
