Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekend Progress Update and Status Upgrade

I'm pleased to say that progress on the engine has reached a point that I'm really happy with. Going forward, everything is going to be about designing and writing, adding new features and content, and polishing things up. In terms of content, I've seen a lot of things that I'd like to explore, and I have plenty of plans myself. There should be very little in terms of technical progress over the next month, as almost everything will involve writing or gameplay additions.

During the next week, I'll be finalizing a lot of writing and importing everything that I've been working on. The progress report I'm posting doesn't have everything that I've done, because I'm not including things I've written but haven't actually fully implemented yet. Those things will be included in the final progress update before the next release. With that said, timelines should be complete within the next few days as well, as I've made a lot of progress on that, as well. That means the next release will have an actual goal, and a world that becomes more difficult.

Pictured below is the current status screen. It's definitely starting to get more packed with data, but I still have more to go. There's a lot going on in the game sometimes, and more and more of it needs to be exposed in a way that makes sense, but doesn't bog down the game. It also now displays descriptions of whatever items or perks you hover over.

Thanks to everyone who has reported any bugs they've experienced so far. I've been squashing them as fast as I come across them.

This Week's Progress:

- Standardized the way stats are modified for faster writing
- Food selection now displays cost next to button. Food prices currently remain the same:
- Scarce: 5
- Reasonable: 10
- Abundant: 30
- Selecting a type of food higher than what you can afford will cause you to downsize your diet
- "Expanded Stats" block added to status screen to display level, experience, experience until next level, fame, combat bonus, and virginity status
- Status screen now has a reader that will describe items or perks you have as you mouse over them
- Combat score stat added to make total combat modifier visible
- Additional UI polishing
- Finished delivery system: going forward, new content and hot fixes should be available sooner
- This also means that users don't have to download a new copy every other day
- Configuration menu added to the title screen to hold a few options to customize the user interface
- Configuration can also be accessed from the options menu mid-game
- Your configuration will be remembered and loaded every time the game starts
- Various new items added to different locations
- Perks in the previous release that weren't functional now work as intended
- Implemented all of the perks listed in the last post
- Fixed: Stats locking at 100
- Fixed: Missing "Feisty" description
- Fixed: Drinking at the tavern now provides the (small amount of) mood increase intended
- Fixed: "Healthy" not being selectable as a base perk at start
- Fixed: Perks becoming locked for no actual reason
- Fixed: Negotiation text sometimes cutting off and displaying random numbers
- Fixed: Saving in a data slot deleting the other data slots

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for release. Then we all have a real demo to work with/support. So far, everything looks good

